Quantum Conversations With Lauren Galey

Quantum Conversation with Sandra Walter: Cosmic Stargates, Timeline Split & August Eclipse



Acces Sandra Walter's Special Offer and Online Healing Retreat: www.acoustichealth.com/sandraoffer4.htm Cosmic Stargates, The Timeline Split, August Eclipse and the Formless Realms Ascension Wayshower Sandra Walter joins us to discuss the first June Gateway (June 3-9), DNA, and our interaction with the formless realms. She will also share more on the Timeline split and the August eclipse. During these Ascension Gateways, we are able to access Cosmic Stargates which can have a positve effect on crystalline-resonant DNA. This is active territory as Solaris becomes more stimulated by the intergalactic pathways, which effects Gaia’s core, and our own heart centers. We take it Gateway by Gateway, understanding the physical manifestation is a reflection of what is already occurring with the higher timelines. REGISTER FOR ALL QUANTUM CONVERSATIONS: www.acoustichealth.com