Beyond Athletic With Ryan Jay Owens

#1 A 7x Champion Says Your Education Should Come First with Anja (Spasojevic) Pesic



Athlete Case Study Episode 1: We start this podcast journey off huge with the true honor to interview a good friend and great champion Anja (Spasojevic) Pešić of Serbia. Such a down to earth, responsible and humble person. It was a pleasure to sit with her and chat about volleyball & life. We're here in a wonderful city I'm calling a second home, Belgrade, situated in the forest mere steps from Belgradian's summer lake getaway Lake Ada and families enjoying the HEAT! She's not only won multiple international pro titles with teams from Russia, Italy, France, Switzerland and Turkey but national (Olympic) team before 2007 with the Serbian national team helping to propel them into the international spotlight. In this episode we get to learn fun stuff about Anja & about how she fell into volleyball and although she still(?!) can't pancake (dive) like a Logan Tom she gets it done on the court in her special style. A style which has been created by watching the greats of her sport play and incorporating th