Beyond Athletic With Ryan Jay Owens

#27 What Could Be More Important Than Talent? (You'll Never Guess) with Bassam BEIDAS



#27 So, You're Talented... Well There Are More Important Things with Bassam BEIDAS ATHLETE CASE STUDY | Feb 4, 2015 Enter Full Name: Bassam Beidas Date of Birth? 26/12/1988 Sport: Tennis (Pro) BIO: Lebanese. #20 ITF Juniors Ranking (Under 18) Three time All-American at Pepperdine University #499 ATP Ranking (Career High) Quote or personal motto that you believe in .... "Fail to Prepare, Prepare to Fail" - Roy Keane (Footballer for Manchester United) Name THE person you feel has been MOST influential in your life to reach higher and be better? My parents for giving me opportunities in tennis that most people wouldn't get where I grew up. They didn't motivate or push me because I did most of that myself, but they opened doors for me. List book or learning resource you love to use... I love using blogs and other such sites to keep up with the latest on strength and conditioning, rehab, and sports nutrition. Give a tool/habit you love to use to stay healthy: Well, at the moment I have been doing a lot o