Dharma Teachings By Lama Mark Webber

2019 Two Remarkable Trainings For Liberation-Skype March 28.1



Two Remarkable Trainings for Liberation. A Skype class given from the Wangapeka Retreat Centre by Lama Mark Webber to Dharma practitioners living in Guatemala: attendance to the talk was at the yoga studio, Palo Santo Hotel, Antigua, Thursday March 28, 2019. During this short class Lama Mark Webber gave pithy explanations on two central and remarkable training principles found repeatedly throughout all Dharma teachings: 1) 'The three higher trainings' or 'three correct trainings': - ethics(sila); wholesome activity, abiding in precepts, morality, virtue, the thirty seven factors of enlightenment, an excellent understanding and conduct arising from Insight into cause and effect. Understanding interdependence and acting with compassion and knowledge. - meditation(samadhi); a tranquil and lucid abiding of mind, consciousness can be absorbed and focused on any object, unity and openness of body, speech and mind. - wisdom(prajna); three characteristics of Insight (anicca, dukkha, anatta), Insight knowledge of th