Just My Opinion With Spiritual Studd & M.t.

Moguls in the Making



Hey Fam, Before we get to the books, let's talk about some news that came across my desk. Franklin Graham has made a statement about Democratic Presidential candidate Pete Buttgieg that has rubbed some of us the wrong way. He stated that Mayor Pete should see his sexual orientation as "something to be repentant of and not to be flaunted, praised or politicized." Now this very same man cannot seem to stop making excuses for "45" and his shenanigans. From bragging about grabbing women by the "you know what" to separating families and putting children in cages. He says that "45" misspeaks. C'mon man! B.S. all day! Then we have an 18 month old baby who is suffering from stage 4 cancer. There was an anonymous donor who was going to donate $7600 until they found out that the baby has two mommies. Now its okay to decide against donating the money. The problem we have is the note left behind. “I’ve chosen to donate to St. Jude due to that fact. Sorry. I’ll still pray for her though, but maybe it’s God’s way of gettin