Transcendental Transformation

The Beginnings: Part 1 Trascendental Healing



First show about sprituality and health in the new age that is upon us.  This is not about religion, but about ourselves and our connection and our health and happiness.  This show is being hosted by Raina Orozco and Melissa Binkley.  Melissa will be interviewing Raina about your life as a simian, physic medium, Reiki Master amongst many other badges she carries.  Learn about the life of Raina and how this journey has brought her here to helping guide people to healing their lives. Intro about Raina and her career in spirituality. Through her teachings by her Master guides, she has developed "Transcendental Development". Raina teaches people how to recognize falsehoods & internal chaos within ourselves and how to use it in a positive & constructive way. T.D. helps allow people to fully collapse those walls & falsehoods which stunt our spiritual growth. Find out more about Raina Orozco on her Facebook Page Find our more about Melissa Binkley on her Facebook Page