Pure Soul Alchemy With Gabriella

A Healing for the Inner Child



Learn more at www.PureSoulAlchemy.com This session was recorded live at The Herb Bar in Austin, TX. Today's show is a shamanic healing session for the inner child, the child we once were. Unhealed traumas and hurts, unmet needs during critical developmental moments, lock our consciousness at those points in our development. This creates a rigidity of thought and behavior when we encounter similar situations later in life, as an adult. A default of unconscious triggered reactive responses hijack our freedom, flexibility and evolution. In this session, we will bring healing support to a few of the childhood woundings and traumas that interfere with our ability to meet life’s unexpected challenges with a fluid and fullness of consciousness. Before listening to this session, be sure to ponder the ways in which you were hurt as a child and developing teen. Think about the types of situations where you typically don't get your needs met. Also, think about situations where you typically get triggered and shut dow