Offbeat Wall Street

Ep. 0: Brief Encounter - Introducing A New Take On The World Of Finance



People think of Wall Street as confusing, boring and made for rich people.  We're looking to change that impression.  Our mission is to make the financial markets clear, interesting and accessible (and maybe even a little funny). In this this brief encounter of an episode, we lay out our philosophy and get you hyped up for the full episodes, which will be dropping in the near future.  Each week we'll give you a rundown of really important news from Wall Street and the world of finance.  We'll also give you a look ahead at what's coming up and what you should keep on your radar. We'll help you figure out what lessons to learn and which rich people made fools of themselves.  We'll also try to give you some context and general knowledge of how to navigate financial markets, sprinkling in investing insights and tips on retirement.  And we'll try to fit in as many Kanye West jokes as we can.