Frozen Nerdz - A Blizzard Entertainment Discussion Podcast

Episode 254 - That’s Not a Bug!



Welcome to the Frozen Nerdz Podcast Episode 254 called "That’s Not a Bug!" We are your Blizzard Entertainment discussion podcast. The show you are about to hear was recorded on Sunday, May 19th, 2019. On this week's show, we start off by talking about our past weeks in video games, and since we have a metric ton of things to talk about this week, let’s just right into it! This week we kick off our Blizzard Entertainment discussion with a Blizzard Employee recruitment video, than we move onto talking about some surreal StarCraft esports moments, than we quickly talk about Diablo Season 17 and the release of the latest Hearthstone single player adventure the Dalaran Bank Heist. Then we talk about the Overwatch Anniversary event, before we move onto talking about World of Warcraft. This week in Warcraft we talk the The Return of Thrall, the 15th WOW Anniversary pre-order and celebration, the Warcraft Classic announcement and the infamous “Not a Bug” list from the Beta. But then before you know it, it’s time for