Zera Today With Pastor Lorenzo Neal

Easter Sunday Celebrations: Why all the spectacle?



Did the Indiana legislature go too far to protect their perceived loss of religious freedom? What's wrong with that bill and others like it? How protected are you and your children from predators in the church? A Memphis Sunday School teacher did the worse kind of violation to one of his students. This week, churches across the world will be celebrating the day denoted as the ressurection of Jesus of Nazareth from the dead. Many churches will fill auditoriums and pack stadiums for their "Ressurection Sunday" services. In other places, people will do the "Seven Last Words" or will re-enact the last moments of Jesus. While scripture is clear that he was not the only person to be raised from the dead, why will millions of churches and billions of believers celebrate his ressurection? How and why should we celebrate the ressurection of Jesus Join Pastor Neal as he discusses this and more.