Conscious Corner

Building Relationships by Staying Connected To Each Other (Not Technology)



Technology and social media is part of everyone's life and has connected the world and each other in ways that only seemed futuristic not too long ago. It has also disconnected our human connection to each other giving rise to anxiety, depression and loneliness. Humans need human connections to feel alive and loved and to have relationships. This week I talk about how we can build our relationships and bring back the human connection to each other. Leah's Likes: Brain: online course - continue to expand your knowledge about anything. Knowledge is exercise for the brain. Health: Disconnect from your devises and social media sometimes. Give your mind, body and soul some breathing room to just be. Indulgence: Mangos - my favourite fruit that brings me joy when it is fresh and ripe. Find your favourite fruit and enjoy the small moment of eating it, it feels great. Write us and share your stories we love to hear from you. Brought to you by: Conscious Coaching Inc. www.consciousc