Ebony Empress Shows - Ebr Award Winner

What are the true qualities of a good man?



Tonight it's date night and we are talking about the true qualities of a good man.... We also have some questions which we will try to answer about dating posed by listeners. Cortney Ann hails from Real-N-Raw Radio.. Join us on 3479457556 or comment in the chatroom. Cortney Ann is a young, motivated, passionate, and hard working entrepreneur. Although she was born and raised in Fresno, California (USA), Cortney Ann has been fortunate enough to be able to travel her country embracing life and its experiences. With a bachelors degree in Psychology Cortney finds herself fascinated and passionate about people and their mind frame! She prides herself in her ability to understand and connect with people! Cortney has multiple endeavors she is working on. One being that’s she hosts her own blog radio talk show called Real-N-Raw Radio on the JKN every Saturday from noon until 2pm EST. Real-N-Raw Radio, is a talk show designed to discuss every topic imaginable! I believe understanding is the key factor in order to cre