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Let's talk about a Dating League for singles



Tonight we are launching our very own Fantasy Dating League....Like in any other Fantasy Sport, players create leagues, set stakes and compete to earn points. But when you Fantasy Date, you score by dating!  Our league is called Global Singles Dating  To join the game create a quick Player Profile @ http://www.fantasydatinggame.com  It doesn’t matter where in the world you play, it only matters how you play the game .When you score, add points to your personal scoreboard. Post updates on your progress and play to win! Check out your league mates’ scores, updates and recent plays on your League page. The winner will accumulate the most ponts over a 10 week Season. But the ultimate prize is LOVE! Every player must uphold the Honor Code. Players must be 18 or older to play.  All Fantasy Daters must be single. The people you date must also be single. The maximum players per league is 10.  Fantasy Dating is NOT responsible for prizes. Each league determines and covers their own stakes.  Players can only pla