T&a Talk Sex

T&A R Back w/ T's Cuddle Work, Choosing a Partner & Teens in Thong Bikinis Ep142



After months of seperation due to 'A's travel sabbatical, T&A are back together and have so. much. to. talk. about.  'A' sums up here travel experience- why she went and what she got out of it and then the girls give a sexy reading in english of the hot lyrics to the latin smash hit Despacito. 'T' shares her latest professional endeavor- Cuddling! Yep, she's a professional cuddler (what could be more appropriate?!) as well as her adventures with the Diva Cup.  Plus, the new summer trend: teen girls in thong bikinis- too much or just right?  And 'A' shares her latest revelations on finding a partner after insights from her little bro's wedding.  And finally, the T&A are launching their Patreon page (finally!) which means if you love the show, now you can show your support and help keep the lights on!  Check it out at www.patreon.com/tatalksex