Virgin Islands Small Biz Showcase

Dwayne DeGraff, Public Servant, Asks for Your Vote as Your Next Senator



Come Election Day, November 8th, 2016, your vote or Dwayne DeGraff is a vote for a better Virgin Islands. Dwayne is the Real Deal who, not only cares about his community, but is determined to use his experience and skills to make a difference in the Virgin Islands. Get to know what he stands for and what he plans to do for you after the campaign dust settles. Visit him at his Campaign Headquarters on Back Street across from Virgilio’s and not too far from the Enid Baa Library and Archives. Speak with him during his call-in discussion at 845-277-9247 or simply listen first and visit second. Remember: He’s the one who reminds us to “Think global, act local”.