Urban Literary Review- Literary Community News!

Chatting with Author Carleen Brice



Our Nightly Tuesday night chat with Carleen Brice founder of National Buy a Book by a Black Author Month, Carleen Brice says; "What if every one of us bought a book by a black author and gave it to a white friend? So I'm naming December National Buy a Book by a Black Author and Give it to Somebody Not Black Month. It might not be easy to actually get them to read it. Beverly mentioned that her friends were a little scared of the Ebonics they expected to find. But that's why your favorite African American authors really, really need your help. You, who they know and trust, can explain to white friends, neighbors, coworkers, classmates that there are books without Ebonics, and that books by black authors are much like any other book." It should be very good night with chitchat