Body Of Christ Radio Network

The Lord’s Prayer and the Pope.



The Lord’s Prayer is one of the most famous prayers in the Holy Bible.  Its five verses serve as a confirmation of faith to countless Christians all over the earth.  It is recited daily by thousands in innumerable languages and is the standard taught by Christ to communicate with the Heavenly Father.  Recently, a verse of the Lord’s Prayer in particular has come under scrutiny of the Pope.  According to the Pope, the verse of the Lord’s Prayer which states “and lead us not into temptation” “is not a good translation because it speaks of a God who induces temptation.”  French religious leaders have already adopted a different phrasing of this particular verse.  Is the Pope justified in wanting to change the wording of the Lord’s Prayer in reference to temptation?  Does the Pope have the authority to cause such a change?  Could changing the words of the Lord’s Prayer indeed change the essence of the prayer itself?  Join us this afternoon as we investigate this topic in the Holy Bible.