Mommas Pearls Show

Divine Intertwined



We continue our time with the divine this week and how to bring it home. When we get overwhelmed and our mind overworked, it’s time to take out the trash. The ultimate spring cleaning sweeps your mind, body and spirit. Utilizing spiritual practices help us with this process and we’ll be chatting one of my favorite spiritual teacher’s Pauline Esposito. How can we utilize spiritual practices such as meditation to enhance your connection to yourself and spirit? We will discuss integrating the messages received in meditation with your family's daily lives. ABOUT OUR SPECIAL GUEST: Pauline Esposito,  is a healer and spiritual teacher. She has been in private practice for 12 years assisting people with various issues from physical pain to cancer to spiritual awakening. Her own spiritual journey began 23 years ago with the death of a loved one. This devastating experience propelled her into the metaphysical world which helped heal the grief. Something extraordinary was occurring during th