Old Books New Thought

Ep. 71 | Your Invisible Power – Part 6



EP071 Show Notes In Episode 71, co-hosts Kim-Char Meredith, Sharon Dziubski and Rev. Mary Beth Speer discuss ideas presented in “Your Invisible Power” by Geneviève Behrend (Part 6). CHAP. 8-10. Genevieve’s ‘personal testimony’; why she took up the study of mental science; Overwhelming loneliness (the hole in the soul) and those experiences that drive us inward and seeking something beyond the physical; The Edinburgh Lectures on Mental Science, the Dore Lectures, Thomas Troward; Uncomfortable with being alone - finding distractions; Being in the deep, quiet place; One moment meditation and opening to the within-ness; Christian Science, Mary Baker Eddy; `Abdu'l-Bahá; Ernest Holmes, Science of Mind, Religious Science; Entering into the spirit of what you are reading; Making the effort - memorizing to review, and receive revelation; My mind is the center of Divine operation; My own special world of which I am the center.