Old Books New Thought

Ep. 72 | Your Invisible Power – Part 7



In Episode 72, co-hosts Kim-Char Meredith, Sharon Dziubski and Rev. Mary Beth Speer discuss ideas presented in “Your Invisible Power” by Geneviève Behrend (Part 7). CHAP. 11 - How To Bring the Power of Your Word Into Action: The Power Germ, as that which germinates; seed=germ; How the power of your word into action; Thomas Troward - the mental faculties stimulated from without or within; Repetition - not re-asking, but “weeding and tending the garden"; These techniques as Affirmative Prayer. CHAP. 12 - How To Increase Your Faith: Every living this has faith - but what in?; Faith is that quality of Power which gives the Creative Energy a corresponding vitality… taking form. CHAP. 13 - The Reward of an Increased Faith; Conscious realization that you are not a victim of the universe, but a part of it; Pressing the Laws into serving your particular demand or desire; Master not slave; Reproductions of in miniature of God; No longer feeling a victim of circumstance; Endeavoring to think one thing and producing an