Rich Kid Radio

Break-Up Sex and Makin' It Work With The Ex



On tonight's episode, Que The Creator hosts an intimate discussion with Chip Harris, Sirah Lydia, Lilly Hampton, and Ian Bakari. The show is divided into two parts. Part one, the adult side, will discuss the sexualized dimensions of tonight's topic. Part two, the mature side, engages the social, psychic, and political dimensions of the topic. Part one of tonight's show discusses break-up sex, sex with your ex, and the ways in which break-ups affect your sexual behavior with future partners Part two engages the emotional, What's the appropriate way to break-up with someone? Is breaking up through a text message an effective way to end the relationship? What type of distance should you keep from your ex?Do you broadcast it on social media websites; more specifically, in what ways is it appropriate to broadcast your relationship to the public? Let's have a rich discussion.