Pastor Martin Richling

MINISTER OF SATAN Pat Peglow of Moraine Valley Church



Pastor Martin Richling from The Scriptures Alone Bible School will be RENOUNCING this minister of Satan, Pat Peglow of Moraine Valley Church up near Chicago Illinois, in this LIVE Radio Broadcast on LABOR DAY.  THIS IS A 3 HOUR BROADCAST as it will be needed. This FOOL was brought to the attention of Pastor Richling by a man named Brian Clair.  Mr. Clair's parents attend this church and Mr. Clair's love for his parents, caused him to put up a YouTube Video that most perfectly preached the truth about this minister of Satan, Pat Peglow. But... As what happens with so many unestablished believers, Mr. Clair took down the video after his parents threatened to throw him out of their house if it remained up.  (In truth he should have left home anyways, years ago!) So, Mr. Clair SOLD OUT TRUTH, pulled the video, and pleased his blind parents and not the LORD JESUS CHRIST.  And for SELLING OUT THE TRUTH, of which he so boldly proclaimed, he then was put out of our church by Pastor Richling, because of his SIN and