Virtual Fitness Wii Fab (for Absolute Beginners)

Group Fitness Team Training Advantages



The Group Fitness industry is in flux at this very moment. So much energy is flowing. Did you catch passionate and energetic Annamarie on Tuesday? She has graciously agreed to be Tuesdays Guest Host. You can be a Guest Host as well. You want to try, let's set up an interview. I'd love to hear about your fitness journey, how it has transformed you and your lifestyle, what your passion is, what your mission is and all that stuff. It's all about collaboration and sharing and working less and playing more. Less stress and a balanced approach to your fitness regime as well as your classes. MindBody Group Fitness Arts Foundation is the sponsor of Virtual Fitness Wii FAB. The mission of this foundation is to recruit, train, nurture and promote Group Fitness Professional Instructors (GFPI's). Here's what the team at MindBody Group Fitness Arts offers: speciality formats, team training, income while training, flexible training and performance schedules, increased income while teaching, branding, duplicable business mo