An Empowered Woman

Desiree Doubrox interviews Skychick, Romona Cox



When they say the sky's the limit, here's a member who lives it. Ramona Cox, also known as Skychick, is a world-class adventurer. She is best known for her 3-month SOLO flying adventures into some of the most remote and challenging off-road airports in North America. Packing her airplane with a kayak, motorized bike, solar-powered mobile office, satellite phone and weapons, she has dodged bear and mountain lion while exploring extreme wilderness areas. Aside from flying, Ramona is one of few civilian female pilots qualified to fly in a tight (Blue Angels) style formation. As an underwater videographer and digital editor, she has traveled the world to film unusual sea life including schooling hammerheads in Costa Rica, whalesharks in the Galapagos and giant mantas in Micronesia. She produced two DVD’s on Aviation in China and has been featured on Time Warner Cable, CNN, America Online and in numerous newspaper and magazine publications. As a professional speaker, she uses her adventures as a metaphor