An Empowered Woman

Desiree Doubrox Interviews Kimberly Rolfe



Kimberly Kelly-Rolfe, Financial Speaker and Teacher that empowers women to wealth and Coach that kicks peoples assets into shape.  Best known for her amazing Financial Empowerment Series, that helps women recognize they have the power to change their lives one dollar at a time, while ultimately empowering them from financial stress to financial freedom and wealth. Empowering Women 2 Wealth is a national campaign to provide easy access to understandable financial information that equips women with knowledge and support to make sound financial decisions and empower their lives. In July we are launching several Empowerment Groups.  The Empowerment groups provide women with information that enable them to make informed financial choices and ease the stress of dealing with their most common financial concerns such as investing, credit, stretching their dollars, creating additional income and managing their business.  Women can subscribe to one or a number of semimonthly conference calls, on topics that address the