An Empowered Woman

Desiree Interviews Maria Simone



We’ll help YOU achieve YOUR BUSINESS GOALS better and faster than you ever imagined. Maria Simone share information about this coming up event. June 24 - 26, 2011 Maria Simone is a transformational business strategist and funding expert and over the years has helped countless entrepreneurs create 6 and 7 figure businesses by properly monetizing their talents, funding their launch and growth and utilize customer attraction marketing strategies. As a speaker, she has shared the stage with celebrity trainers, has been interviewed for Success Magazine, Business Week and many other national publications as well as appearing on ABC and Fox TV News. Her book “Passion To Prosperity: Instant Ways To Profit From Your Skills and Talents” is available at As the Founder and CEO of Passion to Prosperity International and, she’s committed to helping entrepreneurs access $100 million in business funding over the next year to create spiritually rewarding and financially abundant business