An Empowered Woman

Discover what the Power of 7 can do for you!



Discover what the Power of 7 can do for you with a complimentary one on one, no obligation "Strategy Session" with Founder/CEO ?Desiree Doubrox. This is how we differ; ONE BIG THING is our private recorded Strategy Session with me. This is when I will show you how you can achieve your desired income by using the same seven tools I used to build An Empowered Woman. It's fascinating to see how easy, how possible and even how close you are to achieving your dream business. After all...being a business professional or entrepreneur is supposed to be our dream life...with our dream income.  At the Power of Seven weekends or One Day's we will not only learn, listen... but create the seven tools that will grow your business quickly and quietly.  What I mean is that you will walk away with it done! For more information please call us at 818-865-8563