An Empowered Woman

Desiree Doubrox & Shellie Hunt - Success is by Design



Success Is By Design … and your time is NOW Your Life Success, custom designed. The possibilities are endless.....You may have heard of The Law of Attraction. Can positive thoughts make a more positive result? Absolutely! However there is more to the design of success... Learning the proven "How to's" in business and relationships results in even higher achievements, leading you to bigger wealth, happiness and a more fulfilled life. Shellie's gift of transformational impact has taken her clients beyond motivation, to lasting results through teaching the precise "How to" in the Designs of Success. For over 25 years, Shellie has specialized in personal improvement and corporate leadership trainings. She has worked with major corporations including: Time Warner, PSI Seminars (Personal Success Institute), The Young Entrepreneurs Society, VH1, Pacific Electric,  and Kimberly Clark to name a few... Shellie currently works alongside some of the top human potential speakers in the world. Her speaking skills and