An Empowered Woman

Desiree Doubrox interviews Shereen Faltas



SHEREEN FALTAS is the author of The Coolest Quote Book Eva and the Founder of Awaken The Rebel, a movement that helps people who feel disenchanted with their lives to stop settling for less and awaken their inner rebellious spirit so that they can live an extraordinary life by their design. Luckily one of her best friends suggested she go to a seminar where she was able to “Awaken her Inner Rebel,” and truly examine this life she had created. She decided to immediately quit her master’s degree program and start doing stand-up comedy. This was the official beginning of her writing her own Rebel Rule Book, and living life by her design. This was the beginning of the Awaken The Rebel movement. Shereen decided to continue to make people laugh while helping them to stop settling for less and awaken their inner rebellious spirit so that they can live an extraordinary life by their design. Shereen is certified in Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), and is a Certified Professional Coach (CPC, ELI-MP) by the Institu