An Empowered Woman

Desiree interviews Charles, Founder of Custom Marinades



For a project worthwhile...Charles founder explains his views and why he is donating his time and services for the Save Elano's Leg from Amputation FUNraising walk.  View more Charles believes, food should be tasty, flavorful and palatable. It should bring joy, pleasure and nourishment to whoever partakes in this life sustaining act. And the inception of "Custom Marinades" is from my love of cooking, coupled with the desire to cook simple, healthy and delicious food. As my Doctor put it "Healthy food should not be punishment but rather something that brings pleasure and joy". With his desire to help others because of his belief that we are all connected as one and to provide the healthiest, tastiest food so that we can all live our fulfilled lives makes him a special angel in our need and desire to support not only Elano but others whose health have been compromised. Listen in! Visit Charles at Join us on the 18th, for more detail