An Empowered Woman

Desiree Today - Terri Billups, SBA Emerging Leaders Initiative



If your business is generating $400.00 or more... This is a must! I was speaking to long time member and financial expert Kimberly Rolfe and she was sharing her involvement and experiences with the SBA and how it had significantly impacted her business, I was shocked and had to know more. She kindly referred me to Terri Billups, the program director for the Emerging Leaders Initivate who gave me more details as well as ALL of the many programs the SBA offers for FREE.   I just had to share it withYOU. I'm sure we have all heard of the SBA and if you're like me I just thought it was those who were starting their business. Never did I know the extent of resources available for the more seasoned business owners as well as the programs specifically designed for women. Considering all of the thousands of dollars and hours we are spending for mentoring, programs, classes and more, I highly suggest that you listen in! Until then...Stay Empowered! Desiree Interested in a complimentary strategy session to dis