Inside Acting!

Star Trek fan film Producer John Broughton and cast



The King of DC Media welcomes John Broughton Excutive Producer of the Star Trek-inspired film, The Crossing, which will begin principal photography in November, and actor\writer Paul Seiber, who wrote the screenplay and plays Security Officer Prescott. Read more about John at DC Actors Examiner. From the Kickstarter Page: The Starship Farragut production is a small, independent operation where every dollar received is plowed into the quality of the production. Given the growth and evolution of this project during the course of the last 10 years, particularly the expenses associated with the Farragut Films Studio (a 10,000 SQ FT facility of free-standing Star Trek sets), the costs to also put forth the films are quite substantial. Starship Farragut's "The Crossing" is a special film that requires financing that can no longer be contemplated without the support of backers’ support. The funds from this crowdfunding effort will be used for expenses associated with filming and post-production work with NEO f/x