Inside Acting!

"City of Lost Souls" director Jason Baustin, Altorro Black and Bobby J. Brown



The King of DC Media, William Powell, welcomes City of Lost Souls director Jason Baustin, Altorro Prince Black and Bobby J. Brown to the Inside Acting radio show to talk about their tense crime drama. Read my article about the show here: City of Lost Souls premieres at AFI Silver Theatre CITY OF LOST SOULS is a tense, compelling crime drama that pulls the audience into an unforgettably, murky world. You can see the awards it's going to win. The short film (some call it a TV pilot) premiered at the AFI Silver Theatre in Silver Spring, MD, Monday, November 10th. CITY OF LOST SOULS is the product of director Jason Baustin's Traveste Films. The film follows the life challenges of ex-con Mickey Wallace (Bobby J. Brown of THE WIRE fame) and his antagonist Assistant State's Attorney Roger Kenfield (the always excellent Altorro Prince Black). The consensus of the audience at the premier was they wanted exploration and payoffs of the multiple, compelling storylines, which covered everything from legal horse-tradin