Natural Co-creators With Jennifer Lynch

Jennifer talks to Alicia Mary Smith about her journeys including her recovery



Jennifer talks to Alicia Mary Smith about her 'Journeys to Inspire' and how her own journey changed dramatically after she had a stroke which was brought about by Limes Disease.  Alicia now experiences a very different way of living, which gives her more freedom and more 'presence'.  The change happened after doing a mass healing - shifting of the energies in Washington DC which resulted in her becoming very ill.  Alicia now refers to this as a 'stroke of luck' being able to look at her journey which enabled her to immediately shift into a new reality.  Prior to her stroke, she has been teaching workshops about Staying in the Now moment. This will be a fascinating interview, not only to hear about Alicia's illness and how she embraced the changes but also to hear from Alicia about the work she is doing now:- Information from Alicia's website Quantum Light Field Activations Powerfully Deep Energy and Healing Transmissions, to Release and Clear All that no lon