Click Millionaires Masterminds Startup Accelerator Coaching

SEO - Your Questions Answered Live!



Search Engine Optimization (SEO) can help your website attract free traffic.  Call-in to this live Click Millionaires Radio episode to ask your questions about:  - How to improve your SEO for free - How to choose and use keywords on your website to attract more site visitors - The latest changes from Google and how they affect your website content and SEO strategies - The keyword placements that your web site needs to alert the search engines for proper categorization and top rankings - Free tools you can use to diagnose and improve your site's SEO problems - How to find and implement the best link exchanges to improve your site's SEO Plus, helpful "plain English" explanations on more technical topics like keyword density, meta tags, anchor text, and other critical topics for your SEO success. Don't Miss It - This show is guaranteed to save you thousands of dollars on search engine "consultants", even if you are not a techie. Call in with your questions for Scott Fox at 1-646-716-4641.