Nancy At Noon

How to STOP COMPLAINING! And Why Your Life Depends On It



Today’s show is about turning around those things in your life that suck. You know the ones. The things that keep coming up over and over again. The friend who is always late or the family members who never appreciate the things you do for them. Those little irritants you are always complaining about. I have some simple strategies you can employ to make your life happier. We are going to explore how complaining sabotages your best efforts and what you can do about it. Also, I’ve added a new segment called Helpful Home Remedies. Today I talk about the benefits of apple cider vinegar, what to look for when buying it and the best method for drinking it.   Want personal help? I've been there and I know the way out. Let me help you become the woman you want to be. Personal email consultation service available. Contact Nancy  Visit my website for blog posts, more audio and other cool stuff!