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Are You Living an Unconscious Life? - Chapter 13 with Geoff Jowett



Geoff is a visionary and pioneer of the Australian weight loss and fitness industries, having helped millions of people with his programs, gyms and educational resources. But his greatest gifts and contributions have come out of his own personal battles, demons and journey. Jowett “had it all”. Money, fame, popularity and success, but he says at that point he was empty and lost. And his passion was gone. He forgot why he started and lost his purpose. He became an alcoholic and lost everything. But he says "he had to lose it all to find himself and it was the best thing that ever happened" and at 42 he is “alive and awake for the first time in 10 years”. He now has a mindset coaching and weight loss community called “The Jowett Method” where he coaches members live 2x a day. He says connection kills addiction and his personal journey has been the catalyst for this movement. Here, Zak and RJ deep-dive with Geoff to understand his insight Through his suffering and struggle he developed genuine compassi