Generic Drift

GD XIX: Tiny Hamster Tethers



Harvey and Adam discuss mosquito music, dazzling diamonds, cantankerous cats and futuristic floating cities. Twitter: @GenericDrift // Email: // Website: // Black Holes: A Very Short Introduction Katherine Blundell Paperback Audiobook Thanks for supporting the show. // SHOW NOTES: Introduction Ctenophore research Jakob Vinther (@macroevolut) First ever image of black hole (BBC) Dinosaur of the Month Arctic dinosaurs (Smithsonian) Lambeosaurine Hadrosaurs paleoart Mosquitos vs. Skrillex Scientific paper paper Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites Natural and synthetic diamonds Largest square emerald cut diamond (Forbes) New theory of Earth's thermal evolution (SciNews) Scientific paper Can cats understand us? Scientific paper Floating cities Fantasy or the future? (BBC News) Oceanix website