Empowered By Iron

Thoughts with Kristin & Mary: Weight Classes, Questions & More - Episode 79



Thoughts with Kristin & Mary: Weight Classes, Questions & More - Episode 79 This week we really wanted to sit down and just talk. Prepare yourself for opinions,  Q&A and some bantering. Enjoy! Check out our parent company Female Strength Academy - The only online resource created by and for female strength athletes. Eat for Strength and Eat for Strength - Cut courses are now LIVE! A Complete Guide to Intuitive Eating (Ebook) We would LOVE to hear from you. Suggestions? Feedback? Stories? We want it all. Shoot us an email at EMPOWEREDBYIRON@GMAIL.COM and we might just share your story on our next episode. If you love Empowered by Iron, take 5 minutes and leave us a review on Apple Podcasts. With your help, we can reach more people and spread our message of strength and empowerment. Check out our sponsor of this episode: Fiercely Fueled Nutrition Coaching - Online nutrition coaching for strength and functional fitness athletes. Bama Brick Squad - Stacy offers various coaching services and pack