Empowered By Iron

Hiring a Coach: Why, When, & How - Episode 80



Hiring a Coach: Why, When, & How - Episode 80 For most competitive athletes there comes a time when they want to bring their training up a few notches.  Hiring a coach is a great way to do that. Today we break down our thoughts on why you need a coach, when to hire one, and how to find one.  We also cover the sometimes awkward subject of switching coaches. We would LOVE to hear from you. Suggestions? Feedback? Stories? We want it all. Shoot us an email at EMPOWEREDBYIRON@GMAIL.COM and we might just share your story on our next episode. If you love Empowered by Iron, take 5 minutes and leave us a review on Apple Podcasts. With your help, we can reach more people and spread our message of strength and empowerment. Check out our sponsor of this episode: Fiercely Fueled Nutrition Coaching - Online nutrition coaching for strength and functional fitness athletes. Bama Brick Squad - Stacy offers various coaching services and packages: all geared towards helping you reach your goals. She works with athletes of