Empowered By Iron

Habits & Responsibility - Episode 92



We did it, we made it through the first month of 2019!! So it is only fair that we take some time to discuss habits (making or breaking) and taking responsibility for things that may not be going our way. Whether we like it or not, we are usually the root of most of our problems. Enjoy our discussion on habits and responsibility. Check out our parent company Female Strength Academy - The only online resource created by and for female strength athletes. Eat for Strength and Eat for Strength - Cut courses are now LIVE! A Complete Guide to Intuitive Eating (Ebook) Miss out last episode? Find it HERE Get your FREE Intratraining Carbs Guide HERE Support our Patreon Page! Follow us on Instagram and tag us in your posts by using the hashtag #empoweredbyiron Check out our sponsors: Women’s Strength Coalition - Our mission is to build stronger communities through increased access to strength training. We envision a world where everyone has equal opportunity to express their voice and embrace their