Empowered By Iron

Disordered Eating & The Female Strength Athlete - Episode 94



Today’s topic is a bit of a sensitive subject. Eating disorders and disordered eating run rampant in the fitness industry, and are even more prevalent among female strength athletes. In this episode, Mary shares her history with disordered eating and shares her best tips on overcoming disordered eating. We hope that if you suffer from either, that you feel less alone after listening to this episode. Because the fact is, you are not alone and you don’t have to suffer in silence. Check out our parent company Female Strength Academy - The only online resource created by and for female strength athletes. Eat for Strength and Eat for Strength - Cut courses are now LIVE! A Complete Guide to Intuitive Eating (Ebook) Join our the discussion on our Facebook Group Page: Women in Strength - Athlete Resource Support our Patreon Page! Follow us on Instagram and tag us in your posts by using the hashtag #empoweredbyiron Check out our sponsors: Fiercely Fueled Nutrition Coaching - Online nutrition coaching for streng