Retail Shift

15: Confidence, Clarity, and Being a Small Business CEO



A common thread that connects business owners and CEOs across all organizations, in all industries — regardless of business size — is a desire for both confidence and clarity. The leadership role can feel isolating. It takes a lot of work to hold down the fort, to have or find answers to your challenging business questions, and to take big leaps toward growth. The reality is that many things out of your control. But there’s a lot more you can sway… if you know how. Whether you’re operating on a mixture of guts, gumption, and grace, or running like a well-oiled machine ready to produce even more, I want you to broaden your business point-of-view so that you can step into a role you already have — Small Business CEO. Imagine what could be possible in just one week if you learned how to improve your strategic know-how in order to lead your brand to greater profit. In this week’s podcast episode for small business owners, retail entrepreneurs, and up-and-coming industry leaders, you’ll learn: The number one thin