Are You Intuit?

Season 2 Episode 10: God Winks



“I am a little pencil in God's hands. He does the thinking. He does the writing. He does everything and sometimes it is really hard because it is a broken pencil and He has to sharpen it a little more.” ~ Mother Teresa This episode shares a tale about the only American architect to ever design a building in the Vatican, The Chapel of the Holy Spirit.   Louis Astorino is that architect and has written a book entitled: A Pencil In God’s Hand. In it, he shares about his journey from Pittsburgh to the Vatican and how a “God wink” graced him with a chance to design and construct The Chapel of the Holy Spirit.   Louis D. Astorino founded LD Astorino and Associates in 1972. He led the corporation to prominence at an international level until his retirement in 2016. Among the hundreds of projects adopted by his firm, several stand out as witness to the Astorino legacy. These include: Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh; PNC Park, Trimont condominiums, the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center’s facilities in Palermo,