Goya 2 Goya

Episode 91: How the Experts Are Right?



I've done too much reading about weight loss, fat loss, exercising, and diet. One thing I've learned: the "Experts" must be right. Why? Because experts say aerobic exercise (walking, jogging, swimming) Will Not Help you lose weight. Also experts  say aerobic exercise Will Help you lose weight. Experts say Only Weightlifting will help you lose weight. Experts say Only Walking is necessary. How many calories does a pound of muscle burn up when you are at rest? According to the experts: somewhere between 10 calories and 100 calories. So, the experts are right. Taking that into consideration, I have developed my own Goya2Goya's Radical Plan for weight and fat loss: Eat less, Exercise more. I do some "interval training" followed by "resistance training" coupled with "reducing the amount of calories" I consume. Interval Training is me walking for a minute, then jogging for a minute for a total of 20 minutes. Resistance Training is me lifting about 10 pounds 10 times, resting for the count of three, then