Goya 2 Goya

Episode 92: The Dreaded Weekend Fat!



The weekends are the hardest time during a diet, at least for me. My nutty family and friends like to gather for dinners, lunches, barbeques, et cetera and not wanting to appear revolted by the sight of food, I eat. And drink. For about a week I managed not to drink any alcohol and during that week I lost more than my average amount of weight. But I am still drinking ~ mostly wines ~ so I am drinking less than before. This seems to help in the weight loss category. Next on my 120-day Weight Loss Journey: more interval training for walking/jogging and more vegetables, fruits, and nuts. I know where I can find lots of nuts, at least. And maintain my current eating regime of avoiding junk food, fats, and foods that are white.   Current weight: 64 kilos (140 lbs)