Goya 2 Goya

Episode 93: I'm No Evolutionary Biologist But...



In the middle of my 120-weight loss extravaganza and down 5 kilograms (approx. 12 lbs). The main problem seems to be the weekends of eating with friends and family. My solution: eating less and exercising more Before the Weekend or Dinner party. Combined with a lot less food the day after. This morning I upped my lifting repetitions from 20 to 22. Not a lot but it is also at a heavier weight. Plus it is for one-handed as well as two-handed lifting. Times Three. I found myself breathing heavily and being quite tired at the end of my exercise. I continue to go up steps two at a time for most of my daily activity such as going to my office (third floor) or visiting a regular client (fourth floor). Music: Fire by Prague Ska Conspiracy from Last.fm Current weight: 64 kg (140 lbs).