Holistically Healing Anxiety | Anxiety Coach | Stacie Younger

Episode 96: Aura Awakening with Alyssa Alvarez



I had so much fun interviewing Alyssa.  She shares her anxiety story and how it feels to be a young entrepreneur.  She shares so many valuable tips.  Here is a brief bio on Alyssa: Alyssa Alvarez is the founder of Aura Awakening, a media platform that features a podcast, YouTube channel and spiritual self-growth circles. Aura Awakening’s theme is personal development through soul work & taking the leap to pursue your passion.  You can contact Alyssa here: Aura Awakening Radio  Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/0ygubMN6FCWsgj7cD6PGFc?si=shhM7y91T4GaA0LoHGZ02Q  iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/aura-awakening-radio/id1450125593?mt=2  Aura Awakening social media  https://auraawakening.com - Blog https://instagram.com/awakening.alyssa  https://instagram.com/auraawakening https://twitter.com/aura_awakening  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPIccHYE5dvYrvWe3xKzk1A - YouTube channel