Academic English




ACADEMIC WORD OF THE DAY A stereotype is an inaccurate, exaggerated (and usually negative) image of people or places. So, for example, a stereotypical English person is supposed to be punctual and to enjoy queuing and talking about the weather. Of course, there is sometimes ‘a grain of truth’ in a stereotype! But stereotypes can be dangerous when they stop people from appreciating diversity and individuality or when they are used as an excuse to look down on people from a particular culture because of unfair and exaggerated prejudices. TEST Here are four sentences with the word of the day. Three of them are correct – which is the odd one out? Our research project aims to develop an evidence-based stereotype of kiwi culture. She was red-haired and quick-tempered and seemed to fit the stereotype of a celtic woman, though she was, in fact, Italian. Children need to hear stories of strong, successful women that challenge the stereotypes that they may have picked up from popular culture.