Tactical Talk With Allison Barrie

Go Deep Inside Sleeper Cells And Some Of The Most Secret Units In US Special Ops History



Curious about the most secret military units ever in US military history? Fan of tv shows like the Americans? Hunting Hitler? This is one episode you do not want to miss. We’re taking secret stuff, secret missions once highly classified that were only known to a handful of folks in the covert world - but now you can know it too. Cat and mouse games with KGB agents. Daring raids and sleeper cells. Our guest this week is Jack Murphy, editor in chief of the very popular SOFREP. He takes us deep inside the fascinating, unique research he has been doing into amazing early missions of Special Operations and the most secretive, covert units. Who are these extraordinary folks who undertook important, dangerous and mind-blowing missions? You’ll find out. Jack also reveals one of the best ways to infiltrate the enemy. Allison and Jack shift to current ops in the second half. Was the recent SEAL Team 6 raid a failure? Should the US recruit immigrants to Special Ops? Jack weighs in on this and much more. Don’t miss the